Room by Room Energy Efficiency Series: The Living Room


It’s in the name – we spend a whole lot of time in and around our living rooms, watching TV, socializing, reading books, or just taking some time out to relax. For a room that hosts so much activity, we naturally prefer it to be in the most homely condition possible. This includes being at a nice temperature, with all the fixings to facilitate convenience and comfort such as phone chargers, lamps, or entertainment systems. 

All of this amounts to a lot of potential for wasted energy within our humble Texan homes, but it doesn’t have to be this way. There are plenty of ways to conserve electricity in our living rooms and we’re here to tell you how. If you’ve noticed your electricity bills rising of late, consider this article and the rest of our series on home energy efficiency before contacting us for further information.

Place Lamps Away from the Thermostat

It may seem like a simple tip to begin with, but the placement of warm objects like a lamp, TV, or space heater near a thermostat can confuse the system into thinking the room is warmer than it is. This causes the air conditioner to run unnecessarily, consuming energy when the temperature is actually perfect. Take extra consideration of where these objects are located and save energy by only using your heating/cooling system when needed. 

Contain the Temperature

Whether it’s the middle of winter or summer and you’re trying to keep the room just right, it helps immensely to close off any doors to the space. This will trap air in and maintain the temperature for longer, rather than allowing precious hot or cool air to escape. The more your room temperature fluctuates due to air flow, the harder your air conditioner will need to work.


They’re for more than just looking out of. Windows are a very important part of your home’s energy consumption and improper use of this can cost plenty. Closing your blinds and curtains is a great way to maintain room temperature, regardless of the season. In the winter, they can trap warm air in, while in the summer they reflect heat back outside. Also in the summer, opening windows at night can be an effective method of cooling a house down without the need for air conditioning. Maximize your use of the natural elements in controlling your home’s temperature and you’ll quickly see the difference it makes to your electricity bills. 

Energy Efficient Bulbs and Appliances

In lieu of simply reducing your use of lights and entertainment systems, it can be a great investment to install more efficient models. Most TVs are openly advertised with an energy efficiency rating and while those boasting better ratings can be more expensive, their reduction in energy consumption can pay dividends in the long run. 

The same goes for lighting, however, energy efficient alternatives are often far easier to afford than a brand new TV. Find an LED in the hue of your choice and enjoy the comfort of knowing your bulbs won’t break the bank.

These tips are sure to produce some noticeable results on your next electricity bill. Stay tuned for the last part of our series on home energy efficiency. If you need any further advice from the OnPoint team, contact us and we’ll gladly help you out. 

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